Build it, They Will Come
20 months ago, our little family arrived in Grand Vide, Haiti on La Gonave island. Our full-time pioneering efforts have focused on building 3 Pillars: Physical infrastructure, Personal Relationships, & Spiritual health. We stand in awe at the hope that now exists in our village, all because of incredible partners & a faithful Lord. This newsletter highlights those Pillars.
Brick, Mortar, Dirt. Physical Growth
COHH's core mission is to connect people to their Father in heaven so they encounter God's radical love & understand their invaluable worth. Jesus told us to "Seek 1st the Kingdom of Heaven & His righteousness, & all these things will be added to you". People in our area desperately need food, water, clothing, & shelter. They ask us constantly for food & money. Every time they ask, we "Ask the Lord for what they need" & pray with them on the spot. We (the "missionaries") showed them WE are not their solution.....JESUS is. He is a great Dad...He is our solution. He led us to build these 3 things to point people to Him.
- 1st investment: Community Center & House of Prayer. The building is finished! Prayer & adoration are happening 3 days/week (HE is what we seek). Medical care is provided as needed (we need staff & materials); people walk up to 7 miles one-way to come see us for medical care (HE is the Great Physician). Water treatment is coming, as is a Computer classroom for teaching vocational, bible, language, & computer.
- 2nd Investment: Farming Cooperative. 8 acres are fenced, a garage/depot is built, a shallow well is dug, 1000 tons of rock are removed (to build our 300 foot long village pier), & permanent raised beds have moringa, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, watermelon, cherries, plantains, & more planted! Over 100 chickens, 9 ducks, 40 rabbits, goats, & cattle are producing eggs, offspring, & jobs. Hunger & poverty are on the ropes!
- 3rd Investment: Mission Home. Our 4-bedroom home is 80% complete to house our family & short/long-term friends who join us in His mission here in Grand Vide. We built it with capacity to build 4 more rooms. This is the 1st house in our village with flowers in the yard!
Relationships - No greater love
"Return the hearts of the parents to their children, & the hearts of the children to their parents" - Malachi 4:5-6. Haiti is full of broken families; abandoned/orphaned kids, who then leave their kids. Most "orphaned" kids have 1 or both parents. So...we are working tirelessly to reunite families. Dads feel ashamed because they can't "provide" for their they run. Restoration's not easy. It does not happen quickly. But we are not here for easy or quickly.
Our next door neighbors are perfect examples. Mariet is a mother of 4. She makes charcoal to feed her family. When we moved in, she was exhausted & frustrated. She often beat her kids to the point of bloodshed as a last-ditch effort for discipline. Her toddler, Tipo, wandered like a zombie in the same clothes for 2-3 days...exhausted & needing a nap & nurturing. Her son, Lourens (10) planned how he could stay away because of the beatings. Her son, B Nelson (13) was angry & bitter & it showed. Today - Lourens is Elijah's best friend. He is a leader amongst his peers. B Nelson is #1 in his class in school & never misses a moment in the House of Prayer. Ashley is Lily's best friend. Tipo is flourishing. And Mariet...she now helps us with chicken egg production. She no longer beats her kids. She smiles. There are many other stories how our simple little family is making a lasting impact on those around us in dire situations. You too can make a lasting impact! Mariet's family is in the photos below.
Want to Help? Here's a great way
We have many needs for 2017. Would you, your business, or your church consider partnering with us? 100% of your tax-deductible gift is invested directly to our mission in Haiti. Here are our needs. They are big, but every dollar counts. One-time & recurring gifts are easy via our website.
1. SECONDARY SCHOOL (URGENT June 15) 7th-9th Grade. Salary for 10 teachers. Books & supplies to function.
Impact: Western La Gonave has no 2ndary school. Families send their 7-12 graders to mainland Haiti to go school; separating families. Abuse is very common. Most can't afford to pay for 2 homes & food. We want to restore families together. 100+ kids from 5 villages. Already have building.
2. ELECTRICITY (100% off-grid Solar) 2 Inverters (6.5kW), 4 Controllers, 8 Batteries, Diesel Generator, Install. Current system loses power. Medical, water filtration, ice making cannot function.We already have solar panels.
Impact: Medical equipment (already donated). School Computer Lab (already donated). Ice business (creates 100’s of small businesses/jobs & sustainable income). Drinking Water Filtration. Lights for Study Hall & classes. Livestock incubation. Community Kitchen.
3. CONTAINER SHIPMENT 40 foot container that we have already loaded in Kentucky with critical tools for our Mission
Impact: Farming equipment to create jobs & food, construction equipment to remove rock, build roads, create airstrip for emergency medical care, education supplies, solar panels.
4. LAND – Farming 80 acres of farm land
Impact: 500+ jobs & family income, 50,000+ trees planted, create school lunch program, 500+ sustainable jobs & food.
5. ROOF – Mission Home Our roof is not yet complete. Rain makes lakes in our living room.
Impact: Rainwater Harvesting, 10 short-term jobs created, 4 rooms created, dry mission teams & families
6. OPERATIONS BUDGET Utilities, Gas, Supplies, staff/labor, widow care, program supplies, communications
Impact: God is changing a generation in a nation that lacks hope & direction; Child to family to village to nation.
We're so grateful for what's happening thru your support. Lives are being transformed for good. Arise, Shine! I
n Him, The Tucker Family.