Grand Vide, Haiti is on western side of the island of La Gonave (38 miles long by 8 miles wide). We are 31 miles from mainland Haiti across the Canal de Sud. Our fishing village of 2800 is on the Caribbean Sea. We walk almost everywhere, as there are no cars. There is no electricity; but we have solar panels – to charge electronics, make cold water, & provide lights. There is no indoor plumbing; but we have 2 latrine-style toilets. COHH has built the following facilities:
“Kay Refij” Guest house: Facilitate our beloved visitors & local team members.
“House of Prayer” Community Center: Community gatherings, classes in English/Bible/Computer/Music, Computer Lab, and Ice/Water Filtration.
“Farm Project”: 18 fenced acres with a garage & 3 chicken coops. Teach sustainable farming methods.
Farm Project 2: 160 acres of land for sustainable charcoal and agriculture, with future plans to support local financing of COHH activities.
There are 5 other villages within 3 miles from Grand Vide that we serve, as well.